Prog Band / Prog Mind

Marco Bianchi - keyboards

Marco Marta - guitar

Davide Betelli - bass

Diego "Grom" Meraviglia - drums

Matt Giuliani - Vocals



Band's origins go back to the second half of the 90s. MarcoM and some musicians started working to combine their love for progressive rock and HM in one single project. In 1998 MarcoM meets MarcoB. Friendship, musical feeling, mutual esteem let them create quickly the bases of PSYCHORDER, even if still quite far from completing the line up. In Y2K MarcoB, cooperating with Ambermoon metal band for a recording session, meets Davide, the bass player, who was pleased with the PSYCHORDER musical ideas and accepted to join the band in place of Simone Dal Corso. (Simone played with the band at the beginning but chose to take other nice musical adventures - good luck bro!). In 2002 MarcoM makes friend with Diego, quite busy drum player, who anyway doesn't deny to officially join the band. For some reasons the band work was delayed during the past years; of course not the last reason was the number of line-up changes, line-up that anyway at the end of 2002 was completed with the singer, Matt, that in a very short time joined the group in every respect. So, on january 2003 PSYCHORDER promo could be completed.